
Stress and Memory

Stress is inevitable. We get it from our workplace, home, family and even from traffics. Many health problems are related with stress. The more stress, the more health problems you will have. What is stress? Stress is the process of an increase or accumulation of nervous energy. This energy is directed towards getting rid of …


Treatment Options for Sleep Disorder

Sleep disorder is more common now and is experienced by many people. Not surprisingly, given the busyness and activities of the day in today’s society. Many people are trying to find solutions to sleep disturbance problems through videos or articles circulating in cyberspace. And although useful, many of the sleep disturbance situations that require the …


Sleep and Productivity

Have you ever felt a lack of energy at a time in life, the body often felt tired, lacked concentration and so on. Actually, many complaints like this come from those who are active and productive working, trying or even working as self-employed. However, not many know the cause of why they often experience it. …